Monthly Archives: March 2021

Mosaic Fun!

This afternoon the boys in 1W created mosaic sheep using tiny foam stickers.  This activity helped to support the development of their fine motor skills.


Easter Cratfs!

The boys in 1W put their colouring skills to the test today!  They had fun decorating different Easter characters on translucent paper and then displayed them on the class room windows.

Potty About Planting!

1W enjoyed planting potato and carrot seeds this week.

The boys filled the sacks with compost and carefully plunged the potato seeds with the shoots pointing upwards into the sacks.  They then gently covered them with more compost and discussed the best place for the sacks to be positioned in order to receive lots of sunshine.

We look forward to watching the potatoes and carrots growing over the next coming weeks.




Maths Fun!

We have been having fun, representing numbers with practical resources.  The boys were looking at the value of each digit in a two digit number.