Monthly Archives: October 2016

oe sound

This morning in phonics we learnt the oe sound. Click (or copy and paste) the link below and play buried treasure. Read the word if it is a real word place it in the treasure chest, if it is a fake word place it in the rubbish bin.


Joe has a big toe.




I have spoken to the boys today and shown them this picture. They thought of lots of adjectives for the picture of the treasure island. I have asked the boys to list as many adjectives as they can below.


Fantasy Island

In 1G we have been learning what is an adjective. We used adjectives to describe our class pet ‘Fred the Owl’.


The boys then wrote about their own ‘Fantasy Island’. The boys wrote as many adjectives in their writing to describe the fantasy island.


The boys had fun making Katie Morag puppets :)

Please watch the boys and their art of the Isle of Struay