Monthly Archives: May 2019

Little LEOs meet Big LEOs

Today the Little LEOs went to meet the Big LEOs.

The boys were very excited but beautifully behaved, showing curiosity, collaboration, initiative, focus and a super amount of knowledge and understanding about the environment. They were able to see their tomato plants growing bigger and share the things they brought along, the other LEOs who were suitably impressed! They did us all proud.

Thank you also to Mrs Aldridge for coming along to assist and meet the team.


Please could each boy bring a pebble into school next week for an art project on Wednesday.

The pebble needs to be roughly 6cm x5cm and smooth.

Many thanks

Breakfast Time

Word of the day

  1. forgive
  2. mystery
  3. pretend
  4. epic
  5. wither

The boys enjoyed eating their breakfast, whilst spending time talking with their friends to begin mental health week.

Happening History

Word of the day

  1. engulf
  2. adopt
  3. drain
  4. provoke

The boys had a fun time at the ‘Happening History’ workshop. They loved learning about life in a castle and they had the opportunity to make butter, flour and use a replica castle oven. The boys were very excited to try on a knights armour.

The boys  have been studying minibeasts in Science. We went on a minibeast hunt in the pond area. The boys found lots of minibeats including frogs, newts, beetles, ladybirds and woodlice.

In Literacy the boys created shape poems. They worked in groups and went onto creating their own. The boys enjoyed guessing what each others poems were about by looking at the shape.


In Maths this week the boys learnt about fractions. They enjoyed making pizzas and dividing them into different fractions. We also wrote the fraction as a number.


Summer begins

Word of the day

  1. leaky
  2. delicious
  3. narrow
  4. echo
  5. trudge
  6. beaver

The boys enjoyed presenting their animal projects to the class. They worked very hard and the boys learnt lots of new facts about different animals.

In RS this half term the boys are learning about creation stories. Each week we are focusing on a different religion and how they believe the world was created. The boys have shown lots of interest sharing their own views and asking lots of questions.

In Art this week the boys drew a castle and painted their drawings using watercolours. They added lots of detail and traced over their lines with a black fine liner.

In Literacy we are reading lots of books written by the Author Alan Ahlberg. This week we read the story Cops and Robbers. The boys then created their own stories about a new adventure the robbers went on.

The boys welcomed four new members to 1G, our class caterpillars. The boys have enjoyed watching them grow!

Maths Challenges!

We are learning about castles this half term.  Here are some castle questions!

  1. A castle has 4 towers.  There are the same number of soldiers posted on each tower.  If one tower has 3 soldiers, how many soldiers are posted on all 4 towers?
  2. If there are 16 castles in Hertfordshire and twice as many castles in Kent, how many castles are there in Kent?
  3. If 97 soldiers fought in a battle and 11 were killed, how many soldiers survived?
  4. There were 3 armies and each army had 150 soldiers. How many soldiers were there altogether?
  5. A battle started at 6am and lasted 8 hours.  What time did it finish?
  6. A sword costs £1.50 to buy.  If you buy the sword with a £5 note, how much change will you receive?