Monthly Archives: February 2018

Science- Materials

This term the boys have been learning about materials. They have learnt what a material is and where materials come from, deciding whether they are natural or man made. The boys have then carried out experiments to test the properties of different materials.

Last week the boys were testing what materials were waterproof and not waterproof. This week they then made an umbrella.


Giuseppe Arcimboldo- Fruit faces

This week the boys studied the work of the Italian artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo. He used a variety of fruit, vegetables, meat and fruit to create portraits. He would use different food to reflect the season of when he created his work.

The boys then used fruit to create faces, they really enjoyed making their fruit faces.

Colour Wheels

The boys created their own colour wheels in our Art lesson. They learnt about primary and secondary colours as well as colour mixing.




The boys enjoyed marbling and seeing the different effects as they lifted up their pages. They then made a Titanic scene.


Titanic Display

The boys made a suitcase including items that they would have packed to take onto the Titanic. They wrote a newspaper article about the disaster! They read their work aloud to the class using a dramatic voice.

The boys helped paint our big Titanic for the display.


The boys have loved learning about the disaster of the Titanic this half term.

Alexis built an amazing lego model of the Titanic, Alexis knows lots of interesting facts about the Titanic.

Dylan made a fantastic 3D model Titanic scene using a shoe box!

Mr Walker looking at the boys models.


We looked at models made by a variety of artist using a range of media. The boys used clay to create their own models of the Titanic.

The boys then painted their models, they look fantastic! Well done boys!