Monthly Archives: November 2013

Christmas songs bonus

Please find the other songs that will be featuring in our Christmas Show to get you in the festive spirit.

what could ralph the reindeer do

start at number ten

please get well again soon

odd job reindeer

sniff snuff

its christmas time

Design and Technology lesson this afternoon









Look how much fun we have had this afternoon! Can you add a comment to describe how much you enjoyed our D&T lesson?

Growing Hyacinths

Just before half term Year 1 were given a hyacinth bulb to take home and grow. They wrote a set of instructions in school to follow to successfully grow a hyacinth!

We have had 2 pictures from Mums showing the progress of the ‘growth’ so far.

Are there any other pictures you can share?

How is your bulb coming along?IMG_2422



We have had fun weighing toys using non-standard units. We have ordered them from the lightest to the heaviest.


Can you guess which toy weighed the most?

Can you guess what weighed the least?

Christmas Song

Please find our class song that we will be performing at the Christmas Entertainment below.  Could we please request you encourage your son to practice when the opportunity arises.

tapping away

Fantastic adjective work today

The boys had a lot of fun using adjectives to describe toys in our Grammar lesson this morning.


Here are some of their sentences,


A moving robot.

A white mouse.

A spotty car.

A giant transformer.

A green action man.